22.04.2001 Lost Files and Install filler functions run as separate threads
21.04.2001 Rewrote DLL ToolHelp functions and cleaned up exported global vars
01.04.2001 Settings - corrected erasing dead links, and added directory being searched display
24.02.2001 NET: first implementation of NT Remote Shutdown: SE_InitiateSystemShutdown()
24.02.2001 ODBC: PeekMessage(PM_NOREMOVE) while looping thru cursor, for future SqlCancel()
19.02.2001 ODBC: removed strtok() in Driver Enumeration which caused GPF under NT
18.02.2001 ODBC: added DISCONNECT database in WM_DESTROY; removed strtok from driver parameters enum loop
04.02.2001 Rebuilt with oct.2000 Platform SDK
21.01.2001 Profiles: PATCHED changing system directories to write in
"User Shell Folders" as well as "Shell Folders" key in Registry;
will fix for reading/writing separately to both
13.01.2001 ODBC: added database / table Scripting capability, including Index creation
07.01.2001 ODBC: added MsgBox on Results ListView to expand selected line, and added Fields combo box to insert in SQL statements
07.01.2001 Settings: fixed inverted "Default" and output string on reading "Run" value for w32prop in registry
07.01.2001 ODBC: fixed bug where HDBCs were passed by value and cleared only locally, causing application to think it was still connected when in fact it was not
- unable to remove MessageBoxes in dead link search on Windows ME on missing drives, even with SLR_NO_UI
- profile Shell folders don't always work under NT, especially Common
- improve Unicode support - probably requires two distinct versions
- Cancel on ODBC page doesn't appear to disconnect connected database, if any
- SHQueryRecycleBin(NULL) fails with invalid parameter (87) after upgrading to Win98 and then WinME
confirmed bug by Microsoft, requires calling for every drive and adding
- Profiles doesn't correctly read Common profile directories
- UnInstall doesn't correctly delete/uninstall files in use
/* future enhancements */
- migration of Setup program to MS Installer specifications